Web Automotive
Web Automotive
The training
The training education is a essential element for a company and we at Automotive know this. For this reason we decided to dedicate a specific space to this section.
You have to keep up with the times, without lagging behind the continuous innovations proposed by the market (and competition). Updating is the key word.
To Web Automotive like to say that it is not enough to keep up with the times, but that times must be overcome. Every day an antagonist is born and in the continuous challenges of the market, you have to know more than others and know how to do it better..
In this perspective, our training activity takes place. Among the first courses we designed, there is the one aimed at the birth and growth of tutorships, whose updating is constant and is intended primarily for our internal technicians. But not only that. We are open to welcome the staff of our customers, because we care about their growth, on which, moreover, our company depends.

The training
The training education is a essential element for a company and we at Automotive know this. For this reason we decided to dedicate a specific space to this section.
You have to keep up with the times, without lagging behind the continuous innovations proposed by the market (and competition). Updating is the key word.
To Web Automotive like to say that it is not enough to keep up with the times, but that times must be overcome. Every day an antagonist is born and in the continuous challenges of the market, you have to know more than others and know how to do it better.
In this perspective, our training activity takes place. Among the first courses we designed, there is the one aimed at the birth and growth of tutorships, whose updating is constant and is intended primarily for our internal technicians. But not only that. We are open to welcome the staff of our customers, because we care about their growth, on which, moreover, our company depends.

We train process auditors who have the ability not only to certify the conformity of production processes, but who are ready to manage any unforessen event, intervening in a target and timely manner, so as to face the drawbacks that can slow down or even slow down the work.
We dedicate ourselves to specific training projects for all areas of interest of costumers,often creating tailor-made courses for companies that use us.
We use prestigious brands for the training of technicians, giving prevalence to specific figures and today indispensable for companies. We focus in particular on engineering, but also on workers so that their become an experienced and increasingly specialized workforce. We aim to make the staff of our companies unique and indispensable.

We train process auditors who have the ability not only to certify the conformity of production processes, but who are ready to manage any unforessen event, intervening in a target and timely manner, so as to face the drawbacks that can slow down or even slow down the work.
We dedicate ourselves to specific training projects for all areas of interest of costumers, often creating tailor-made courses for companies that use us.
We use prestigious brands for the training of technicians, giving prevalence to specific figures and today indispensable for companies. We focus in particular on engineering, but also on workers so that their become an experienced and increasingly specialized workforce. We aim to make the staff of our companies unique and indispensable.
Course development
In order to devise training and refresher courses that are truly capable of ensuring the growth of operators and company staff- often already higjly qualified, we devise tailor -made training projects.
To do this we try to understand what is the purpose of the company, in which sector it intends to improve and/or upgrade, and then we go to check and study the real business needs. We do it alongside the enterprise, interpenetrating ourselves with it and its reality.
We prepare different activities for individual projects and individual figures. We take care of training aimed at improving production processes, innovation of the organization and we dedicate special spaces to tools and technologies.
We identify the type of courses to take into account the different factors, ranging from the number of participants to the specific trainng desired, to the type of updating required, as well as ways in which the course wants or must be praticed.
The objective of our courses is not to 'give away' master's degrees, but to train and improve the company staff, believing that this the real engine of the company.

Course development
In order to devise training and refresher courses that are truly capable of ensuring the growth of operators and company staff- often already higjly qualified, we devise tailor-made training projects.
To do this we try to understand what is the purpose of the company, in which sector it intends to improve and/or upgrade, and then we go to check and study the real business needs. We do it alongside the enterprise, interpenetrating ourselves with it and its reality.
We prepare different activities for individual projects and individual figures. We take care of training aimed at improving production processes, innovation of the organization and we dedicate special spaces to tools and technologies.
We identify the type of courses to take into account the different factors, ranging from the number of participants to the specific training desired, to the type of updating required, as well as ways in which the course wants or must be praticed.
The objective of our courses is not to 'give away' master's degrees, but to train and improve the company staff, believing that this the real engine of the company.
The training plan
Currently, the Wtp training plan – Web training Path-is the one that we use to accompany and support companies that use Automotive in the adaptation and innovation process.
For us a guarantee, we use it for the growth and constant updating of our staff.
Currently, and in view of the latest world events, we feel confident that that we can say that the elements on which companies must rely are three: agile work (indispensable for the remote management of some problems for which a time was necessary the physical presence, with great waste of time), the digitalization (related to agile work, but understood more specifically as the strengthening of operational digital skills, strating with internal knowledge management systems), and innovation (intended as consolidation and updating of specific technical skills for a detailed and immediate diagnosis of the problems to be solved).
The training activities are entrusted to subjects (public and private)that meet the requirements of the training and specialisatin world.
Currently, our partner is the Magistra Group.

The training plan
Currently, the Wtp training plan - Web training Path - is the one that we use to accompany and support companies that use Automotive in the adaptation and innovation process.
For us a garantee, we use it for the growth and constant updating of our staff.
Currently, and in view of the latest world events, we feel confident that that we can say that the elements on which companies must rely are three: agile work (indispensable for the remote management of some problems for which a time was necessary the physical presence, with great waste of time), the digitalization (related to agile work, but understood more specifically as the strengthening of operational digital skills, strating with internal knowledge management systems), and innovation (intended as consolidation and updating of specific technical skills for a detailed and immediate diagnosis of the problems to be solved).
The training activities are entrusted to subjects (public and private)that meet the requirements of the training and specialisatin world.
Currently, our partner is the Magistra Group.
Training Methodology
Staff training methods can (and should) follow different paths. We propose three:
The front mode (classroom training) is definitely the classic one and easily integrates with all the other training methods used and usable, such as coaching learning and training on the job. In this way, the role of teacher,able to stimulate and intrigue, becomes fundamental.Equally important,homever, is the ability and collaboration of the partecipants, who can exchange experiences of previous training or made directly in the field. From these, it is also possible to understand where to intervene to improve the production processes of the company that addresses us. A true empathy is created that helps the training and growth of staff assigned to specific area.
The e-learning mode is instead the one that normally we use for the deepenings and for the courses of purely technical nature;it is destined the formation of staff capable of interventions on small defect of planning or a sudden malfunction. It allows the operator to intevene immediately, thus avoiding a sharp brake on the activity that can cost a company dearly.
The training on the job and the coaching consist in a training activity planned and organized to encourage the acquisition of operational skills directly in the workplace through pratical experience.It certainly has the great advantage of training staff directly in the field on which they will then operate. It is perhaps the most suitable methodology for a large companies, for those that have already trained staff, but that must update or sharpen some skills essential for the production cycle.We can define it as that extra “master” on which the singularization of a comapny depends.

Training Methodology
Staff training methods can (and should) follow different paths. We propose three:
The front mode (classroom training) is definitely the classic one and easily integrates with all the other training methods used and usable, such as coaching learning and training on the job. In this way, the role of teacher,able to stimulate and intrigue, becomes fundamental. Equally important, however, is the ability and collaboration of the partecipants, who can exchange experiences of previous training or made directly in the field. From these, it is also possible to understand where to intervene to improve the production processes of the company that addresses us. A true empathy is created that helps the training and growth of staff assigned to specific area.
The e-learning mode is instead the one that normally we use for the deepenings and for the courses of purely technical nature; it is destined the formation of staff capable of interventions on small defect of planning or a sudden malfunction. It allows the operator to intevene immediately, thus avoiding a sharp brake on the activity that can cost a company dearly.
The training on the job and the coaching consist in a training activity planned and organized to encourage the acquisition of operational skills directly in the workplace through pratical experience. It certainly has the great advantage of training staff directly in the field on which they will then operate. It is perhaps the most suitable methodology for a large companies, for those that have already trained staff, but that must update or sharpen some skills essential for the production cycle.We can define it as that extra “master” on which the singularization of a company depends.
The flying doctor
When we talk about training, we at Web Automotive cannot ignore the activity of the Flying Doctor. An indispensable figure in our fields, which therefore we strive to prepare with the utmost care. The flying Doctor (is a flying doctor), indispensable for the early diagnosis of any problem. It acts directly at the supplier. It deals with training through specific courses. (In particular) he specializes in training on products and components,training on the production line, training on the management of previously recorded quality problems. Obviously, he is experienced in training in eletrical and mechanical diagnostics, which he carries out with road tests of returned components.
Every year, we at Web Automotive invest more than 250 hours in training, because we know that the future of a company depends on the preparation of each employee
Among the main clients who benefit from our tutorship activity we mention Marelli, Continental, Snop, TRW e Magna.

The flying doctor
When we talk about training, we at Web Automotive cannot ignore the activity of the Flying Doctor. An indispensable figure in our fields, which therefore we strive to prepare with the utmost care. The flying Doctor (is a flying doctor), indispensable for the early diagnosis of any problem. It acts directly at the supplier. It deals with training through specific courses. (In particular) he specializes in training on products and components, training on the production line, training on the management of previously recorded quality problems. Obviously, he is experienced in training in electrical and mechanical diagnostics, which he carries out with road tests of returned components.
Every year, we at Web Automotive invest more than 250 hours in training, because we know that the future of a company depends on the preparation of each employee
Among the main clients who benefit from our tutorship activity we mention Marelli, Continental, Snop, TRW e Magna.